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Imogen Setter

Senior Consultant

Imogen joined PPL as a consultant, having previously worked in acute NHS trusts and community services.

Imogen brings to PPL frontline experience of healthcare delivery and supporting health services, including some of the daily challenges faced by colleagues on the frontline. As a specialist physiotherapist, she has worked in both acute and community services, including developing innovative models for maximising community rehab capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Most recently, Imogen has been working in service development at a tertiary care centre.  She supported the re-design of service models, developed prioritisation tools and working creatively to modify job plans to provide more efficient services.  Imogen has led on theatre utilisation for the private care division and activity planning for a new digital health record.

Since joining PPL, Imogen has project managed a large ICB hospital discharge programme, proactively focussing on risks and deadlines, as well as leading on the prototyping workstream to test elements of a new model of care.  Imogen has also developed specifications for urgent and emergency care pathways, including related stakeholder engagement and options appraisals.

Imogen holds a BSc with First Class Honours from the University of Birmingham and is registered as a Chartered Physiotherapist.