Nick Kelly


Nick joined PPL as an Analyst after completing a Master of Public Administration in Innovation, Public Policy and Public Value at UCL’s Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP).

His research focused on mission-oriented innovation across public sector organisations, culminating in a placement with New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE). Providing policy recommendations directly to MBIE’s Chief Economist, the work built on Nick’s strong experience in qualitative and quantitative – understanding complex problems via focus groups, surveys, and ethnographic fieldwork.

Prior to PPL, Nick worked with several early-stage technology and research companies, helping to drive transformation across public and private sector organisations. Here, he worked with large enterprise accounts, managed senior stakeholders, and designed projects for an NHS Trust, UK Police Forces, FTSE 100 companies, and international corporations. Nick has professional experience in stakeholder management, presenting and storytelling, qualitative and quantitative research, business strategy, and policy development. Nick’s multidisciplinary professional and academic background provides a critical lens to understand the challenges public sector organisations and broader society face.

Since joining PPL, Nick has worked with an Integrated Care System to understand ongoing activities to tackle health inequalities taking place across the boroughs within the system. The project is working to build a set of shared principles, highlight case studies and examples of excellence, and create an action plan to address health inequalities and their wider determinants moving forward. Nick has also worked with a local Council to conduct a review of services to support and rehouse homeless residents, after these services were brought in-house, conducting a system-wide analysis of how outcomes can be improved.

Alongside his professional activities, Nick helps to organise several charity events and volunteers annually to help disabled and elderly pilgrims travel to Lourdes in the south of France.

Nick holds a BA in Archaeology and Archaeology from the University of Oxford, an MPA in Innovation, Public Policy and Public Value from UCL, and a Course Certificate in Competitive Strategy and Innovation from LSE.