Our insights
At PPL, we think differently.
Our work is aligned with leading research, and we actively contribute to key policy discussions through publications and through our unique Mill Street Nights programme.
We encourage our team to find new approaches, and to bring new ideas to the table. We convene partners, clients and colleagues through the events we support and deliver.
Our leadership team consists of highly influential and experienced industry leaders. And our extraordinary group of Senior Advisors bring deep subject matter expertise across a wide range of specialist areas.
We value thinking time, and the perspective it brings. We are excited to take new ideas and test them against the reality around us. We are proud to think differently.
Making the elective reform plan a reality
16.01.2025 | Podcast
PPL South West Roundtable – “More than just numbers”: responding to local need for supported and specialist housing
14.01.2025 | Blogs
Social care reform: why we’re not waiting until 2028
13.01.2025 | Podcast
From NHS grad schemer to PPL Senior Consultant: how Action Learning Sets have shaped my approach to work
18.11.2024 | Blogs
Tackling a mental health crisis – Why community engagement can provide the blueprint for fundamental change
12.11.2024 | Blogs
PPL Volunteering Update: Football, more than just a game?
31.10.2024 | Blogs
Over management will stifle neighbourhood health innovation
25.10.2024 | Blogs
Infuse Innovation Collision Space – Net Zero Transition within Public Sector Transportation
17.10.2024 | Blogs
Neighbourhoods: are they really the future of the National Health Service?
9.09.2024 | Blogs
Bridging the Acute-Community Divide: Sustainable Change through Quality Improvement and Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration
7.08.2024 | Blogs
Are Teams meetings killing accountability?
12.07.2024 | Blogs
Still unconvinced by the evidence for Virtual Wards…?
25.06.2024 | Blogs
It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it
5.06.2024 | Blogs
Making virtual wards work for you
30.05.2024 | Blogs
Giving free space with open doors and warm hearts shouldn’t feel revolutionary, but it does.
14.05.2024 | Blogs
Integrated Neighbourhood Teams: understanding next steps with the help of Ted Lasso
7.05.2024 | Blogs
Turning a marathon into a sprint – what can change in 100 days?
3.04.2024 | Blogs
It’s never “just a housing issue”: why healthy homes should be on everyone’s agenda
27.03.2024 | Blogs
From strategy to reality: how the ambulance sector can tackle inequalities and improve public health
14.03.2024 | Blogs
Please Close My Hospital
7.03.2024 | Blogs
Clinician to Consultant: The Transition and Why I Did It
16.02.2024 | Blogs
“Who Cares?”: The role of charities in addressing the crisis in Social Care
20.12.2023 | PPL Senior Advisors
The unseen costs of fads and fashions in healthcare policy and management
5.12.2023 | PPL Senior Advisors
Population health: improving outcomes through partnership and integration
25.09.2023 | PPL Senior Advisors
Is project management an Organisational Development activity?
19.09.2023 | Blogs
Hard cases make bad law
22.08.2023 | PPL Senior Advisors
The power of Behaviour Change
31.07.2023 | Blogs
Proportionate universalism unleashed: embracing community support for a brighter future
12.06.2023 | PPL Senior Advisors
Unleashing the power of data: transforming health inequalities for good
19.05.2023 | Blogs
Relationships matter
11.05.2023 | PPL Senior Advisors
Why you can’t learn to be a good consultant in a classroom
23.02.2023 | Blogs
Now is the opportune time for a local homelessness health and social care needs assessment
16.02.2023 | Blogs
Reflections from our NHS Grads 2022
11.11.2022 | Blogs
Winter is coming
3.08.2022 | Blogs
It’s all about that place – part 2
13.07.2022 | Blogs
A week in the life of a PPL Analyst
8.07.2022 | Blogs
Making sense of system leadership
29.06.2022 | Blogs
Transforming lives through igniting community power in place-based partnerships
17.05.2022 | Blogs
Why we need the space to have complex conversations about Population Health Management
16.03.2022 | Blogs
Developing effective place based partnerships
1.03.2022 | Blogs
It’s all about that place
1.02.2022 | Blogs
Racial discrimination: the experience of our NHS colleague Iyoni Ranasinghe
18.01.2022 | Blogs