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David Segal


David is an expert in system change and integration, specifically in the use of co-production to improve health and care outcomes.

David joined PPL from Accenture’s Health and Public Sector Group, where he specialised in the delivery of large-scale transformation projects. He brings a passionate belief in improving lives by supporting the public and voluntary and community sector to transform the way they work.

David has supported all stages of major organisational and system change: from helping people to think differently when developing strategies to managing delivery on the ground, produced with and owned by staff and the people they support. As an experienced consulting manager and programme director, his core skills include strategic planning, programme management, change management and service re-design.

Since joining PPL David has led the award-winning hospital discharge and intermediate care project in West London, and the development of the innovative integrated care partnerships working with Surrey Heartlands ICS.  He currently leads PPL’s Integration, Partnerships and Primary Care practice, whose recent work includes supporting development of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams in Kent, Surrey and London.

David holds a BA(Hons) in History and MA in International Security from the University of Warwick, is a certified MSP Practitioner and a recipient of the Chartered Management Consultant (ChMC) Award from the Chartered Management Institute.