Freya is a Consultant at PPL with a specific focus on determinants of health and their interaction with health inequalities in the UK.
Since joining PPL, Freya has worked on financial strategies for Local Authorities in London, developing both immediate actions and long-term sustainability programmes of work for Communities, Adults and Health in Local Government. Working with NHS England, Freya has supported with developing the concept of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams. She carried out resource mapping and analysed stakeholder engagement sessions to understand and recommend how Health, VCSE and Local Authority partners can be supported to deliver better integrated care for communities.
Prior to joining PPL, Freya worked in health policy and communications, at MHP Group, where she supported with global and UK health policy projects. Freya researched national and global disease burdens and produced various materials for health policymakers, patients, and healthcare professionals. During her degree, Freya specialised in evolutionary dynamics and social status in animals, developing skills in experimental design, data analysis and relating research to broader, scientific frameworks. She has interned with a research laboratory, based at the Universidad de Piura, investigating antibiotic resistance gene transfer between mother and infants’ microbiomes, and the potential for influence by social factors.
Freya holds a Master’s degree in Biological Sciences from St Catherine’s College, Oxford.