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Pippa Quincey


Pippa is a consultant with a strong focus on organisational development and evaluation, and a background in digital marketing and voluntary work.

At PPL, Pippa has supported clients across the public and voluntary & community sector to improve outcomes, including through leading on service re-design and organisational development, facilitating “100 day challenges” focussing on addressing health inequalities, and evaluating reports focussing on food security.

Pippa joined PPL having worked in a digital marketing agency for three years.  In her spare time, Pippa volunteers for a number of charities.  In her role as an Independent Visitor  “Befriender” with Action for children, she has spent the last four years meeting up monthly for fun days out with her match, a teenager in foster care.

For the last nine years, Pippa has also volunteered with Campus Children’s Holidays, where she previously spent a number of years on the Executive Committee as a Children’s Officer and Trustee, which provides respite activity holidays to disadvantaged children in the Merseyside area.  Through this work, Pippa has seen the lasting impact seemingly simple interventions (e.g. a respite holiday or monthly outings) can have for children who need it, with her experiences further solidifying her determination to support the improvement of children’s services across the UK.

Pippa holds a BA in Psychological & Behavioural Sciences from the University of Cambridge.