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Ren Kapur MBE

Senior Advisor

Ren is Chief Executive of X-Forces Enterprise and the Soldiering On Awards, and a tireless campaigner on the themes of enterprise & business, education & learning.

Ren was first appointed to champion Enterprise Learning by the Secretary of State for Education in 2009, as the national champion for Business, Admin and Finance. This led her to work with the FTSE 500 to establish the highly successful task force to enable young people to prosper with the education and private sectors.  She has advised the Home Office, BEIS and the Cabinet Office and has championed a number of causes including supporting Syrian Refugees, Women and Girls in Business, and reducing re-offending rates within criminal justice.

As founder and Chief Executive of X-Forces Enterprise (CIC), since 2013 Ren has supported thousands of business ventures launched by veterans through training, funding and ongoing support.

The knowledge and expertise from this work helped Ren to develop X-Emergency Services (XES) which supports the emergency services with enterprise and business, including career transition support.

Ren was awarded an MBE for service to the Entrepreneurship in 2016 in the Queen’s 90th Birthday Honours.

Charity work and volunteering continue to be a big part of her life, including as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserve, and in her work with the Federation of Small Businesses, as All Party Parliamentarian Group Women and Enterprise lead for Education and Skills, Enterprise M3 Board Member and Visiting Fellow of Anglian Ruskin University.