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Robert Jamieson

Principal Consultant

Robert is a Principal Consultant at PPL with extensive experience in managing complex innovation and systems change programmes across the public sector.

Robert has delivered a number of 100 Day Challenges, including supporting young people with learning disabilities and autism in Essex to thrive. Outcomes included recommissioning day services to an outcomes-based employment service; a framework for co-production, adopted across adult social care services; and supporting over a hundred people into employment, leading to £15m of savings for Local Authority.

Prior to joining PPL Robert worked at Nesta, the UK’s innovation foundation.  There he led the design and delivery of a portfolio of programmes including work with Welsh Government to build capacity in place-based teams and to use Behavioural Insights to keep people safe during Covid-19.  He also worked with the ten local authorities across the Cardiff Capital region to build skills and capacity for innovation.

Prior to Nesta Robert’s background was in policy and community engagement. His previous roles focussed on tackling food insecurity, increasing civic participation and exploring the impact of regeneration on local communities. He is particularly proud of establishing the UK’s first Universal Credit Network for voluntary and community sector organisations.  Outside of work, Robert is the chair of the board of trustees at Edible Rotherhithe, a community food growing, gardening and arts charity based in Southwark, London.

Robert holds an MA in Multimedia Journalism and a BA in English Literature from the University of Sussex.