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Rusne Zalnoraite

Senior Consultant

Ru is an experienced Senior Consultant bringing her skills supporting clients in developing whole systems approaches to obesity as a subject matter expert, leading the design and delivery of community and professional engagements. Their efforts led to comprehensive action plans addressing obesity across five boroughs of London, promoting healthier living and well-being.

Throughout her time at PPL, Rusne has supported partnership development at system- and place-level, working closely with Local Government, NHS and the voluntary sector, and well as engaging residents and patients.  She has supported clients with social care transformation, implementation of the Trusted Assessor role, hospital discharge optimisation and the development of integrated urgent and emergency care pathways.

Rusne has played a critical role in developing London’s regional approach to integrated care partnerships, based on the “5Ps” framework. Endorsed by partners in 2021, this model for integration in London aims to reduce inequalities and enhance place-based partnerships across the region.

As part of PPL’s Catalyst team, Rusne is a strong facilitator and trainer, with experience and specialised training in Organisational Development.

Throughout her studies, she worked as a copywriter and scientific communicator in health tech, with articles published in the UK, US and Hong Kong. Her public health awareness video project won the Science Communication Prize 2021 as voted by the academics within UCL’s Division of Medicine. Utilising her experience in marketing and communications, at PPL, she collaborates closely with in-house teams across the public sector to create and disseminate powerful narratives.

Rusne holds a Master’s Degree in Eating Disorders & Clinical Nutrition at UCL, where she focused her systematic review on pharmacological weight management, mental health and eating disorder psychopathology. She holds a First-Class Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and is an accredited Associate Nutritionist (ANutr).