Victoria is an Associate Director with extensive experience working at a local, system, regional and national level to deliver complex improvement and transformation programmes, including within mental health, in support of cardiovascular and respiratory conditions, as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response, and in furthering better integrated, person and community-centred care.
At PPL Victoria has worked with NHS England, NHS Trusts, Social Services, Primary Care Networks and Voluntary & Community Sector partners, including on implementing the “Fuller Stocktake” vision of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams. She projected managed our work with the London Health & Care Partnership to create the “5Ps” Framework to guide future integration in London, has supported the London Estates Delivery Unit developing regional approaches to primary care estates strategy, and during the pandemic was seconded to establish and lead the PMO for the London Covid Vaccination Programme, responsible for the delivery of more than three million vaccinations. Working closely with Treasury as part of the Isle of Man’s Health and Care Transformation Programme, Victoria led on the development of a future funding model for the island’s Department of Health and Social Care to produce an eight-year efficiency profile and a range of alternative funding mechanisms to close the Island’s future funding gap.
Victoria leads PPL’s Organisational Development Community of Practice, is a skilled trainer working as part of PPL’s Chartered Management Consultant (ChMC) development programme, and a champion for systematic and robust research and analysis. Victoria’s background is in commercial and academic healthcare research, working with data and multidisciplinary professionals across community, primary and acute care to identify opportunities for improvement and model the impact of interventions. She has twice co-authored poster presentations at the European conference for the Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) and is a recipient of the Best New Investigator Research Poster Award.
Victoria holds an MSc in Medicine, Science and Society from King’s College London and a BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology from the University of Sheffield.