
The challenge

Into Film is a charity putting film at the heart of children and young people’s education, helping to support their academic, cultural, and social development. 

They have built a strong and inclusive culture, but following changes to their programmes and funding, they identified a need to introduce new ways of working to support greater collaboration, flexibility and agility in how they deliver impact. The leadership team identified matrix working as a key enabler to achieving these aims, and wanted support to build a shared understanding of what practical changes they would need to implement a matrix structure, and to co-design the culture needed to make this a success in the long term. They were keen to ensure they kept the elements of organisational culture that had enabled them to be so successful in the past, while exploring new and better ways of working, collaborating, and sharing ownership for organisational success.

Our approach 

We were keen to ensure that staff felt well supported and included in the change process, and that they were getting clear and consistent direction from senior leaders. To achieve this, we began our engagement work with leaders, starting with one-to-one interviews to understand individual priorities and concerns, and then two leadership workshops. 

These workshops focused on the vision for matrix working, the cultural building blocks to support this, and then some of the practicalities involved in implementing the approach. 

Alongside this we provided coaching for the Joint Heads of Programmes who were designing the detailed matrix structure, to provide advice and guidance and to support their thinking and decision making. We then ran workshops for managers, to support them to understand their roles in the new structure, and in supporting the change process. 

Finally, we delivered an all-staff workshop where we supported staff to consider how their roles might change in the new structure (and what would stay the same), how the organisational culture might need to evolve, and the implications for individual ways of working. To support this engagement work, we developed a comprehensive pack outlining relevant tools, models, and approaches in response to the specific challenges identified through the workshops, with advice about how to apply these in Into Film.​​

“This will be a very positive change for the organisation – not just us but also for our beneficiaries.”

Workshop participant

Our impact 

This work has supported Into Film to gain clarity on the key steps needed to successfully implement matrix working, specifically in making sure they are developing the right approach for Into Film and the team, rather than a generic plan on paper. 

We have left them with the skills, tools and confidence to continue their change journey to make matrix working a success in the long term.