
The challenge

University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust (UHSussex) is one of the largest hospital trusts in the south of England, running seven hospitals with almost 22,000 staff, a patient population of 1.8 million and an annual operating budget of over £1.3 billion.

Since Autumn 2022, we have been supporting UHSussex to undertake a comprehensive, person-centred and engagement-led review of all options to support the Trust’s strategic priorities. These improving patient experience; enhancing quality and safety; ensuring  financial and environmental sustainability; an effective and efficient Sussex health and care system; becoming an employer of choice; and driving wider research and innovation.

Although this process has been driven by local priorities, it is taking place against the background of a national commitment (shared by all main UK political parties) to accelerate roll-out of digital health and care services, joined up around the needs of patients, carers and families.

We have supported UHSussex to embark on a period of intensive development work including the development and approval of the business case  for a new Electronic Patient Record (EPR) covering the Trust as a whole.  This work is to ensure that the Trust secures the optimal solution to meet current needs and support longer-term ambitions, including balancing capability, flexibility, value-for-money, and deliverability in the run up to 2025 and beyond.

Our approach 

Our support has involved working with the Trust Board, senior managers, clinicians and corporate teams to develop and deliver an options appraisal process, a strategic outline case for an EPR investment and now the full business case covering capital and revenue costs and benefits over the next ten years.  This has included:  Governance and Project Management – Project and programme management and governance support to provide continuous assurance and  to meet the requirements of the Trust, the local Integrated Care System, and NHS England nationally. 

  • Business Case Development – Developing and drafting the Strategic and Outline Business Case and, following approval of these, preparing the Full Business Case stage. 
  • Finance – Working alongside the UHSussex finance team to ensure the solution is deliverable and affordable. 
  • Technical Requirements – Ensuring UHSussex has a clear, shared and evidence-led view of the key requirements from any technological solution, and that these needs can be communicated effectively to the market. 
  • Benefits & Change – Identifying and  quantifying the patient, staff, financial and wider benefits of the programme. 
  • Procurement – Working alongside the UHSussex procurement team and external specialists to ensure an effective and compliant process and a fit-for-purpose, value-for-money outcome. 
  • Engagement and Comms – Hosting online and in-person engagement sessions to gather user requirements and socialise progress and objectives with the wider organisation. 
  • UHSussex Deployment Readiness – Ensuring UHSussex can fully utilise available national funding to support preparedness for this digital transformation. 
Our impact
  • The agreement of a Strategic Outline Case and Outline Business Case by the UHSussex Trust Board and all relevant groups that report to the Trust Board.
  • A programme structure that can assure and deliver this important investment.
  • Delivery of an engagement package which has engaged over 300 individual stakeholders to-date through in-person and online channels.
  • A set of detailed design requirements informed by this engagement that reflect the needs of the Trust, its patients, staff and partners.
  • A clear understanding of the benefits aligned to the Trust’s overall “True North” strategic priorities. 
  • A roadmap and plan to deliver the required capabilities in line with local, system and national requirements.